Discussion Blog

Hey everyone, leave comments on this page to keep us updated on what you’re planning for your project.  Y’know, those wild and precious plans that are just spilling out of your ears.  Those.

You can’t post images on here (sorry), but you can post links to images on your blog/website/FB/etc.

The poet, by the way, is Mary Oliver: “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

4 thoughts on “Discussion Blog

  1. Augusta Morrison says:
    March 2, 2013 at 4:08 pm (Edit)

    sense of site…
    abstractly or literally this exhibition is supposed to represent our feelings, reactions, conceptions, interpretations about our environment- essentially?

    • Abstractly or literally. Interpretation is open to each artist. While Khan draws upon varied source material from some literal, physical sites (such as specific locations in Karachi and on Manora), for the purposes of the workshop, folks might deal in subject/source material from physical sites, OR from a “site” like a site of interpersonal conflict, OR a location (“site”) which doesn’t exist (?) in physical reality…OR…

      What are you leaning toward?

      (I’ve changed the comment settings, so comments should not get stuck in moderation. Sorry about that, Augusta!)

  2. heyo! so i wasn’t able to hear everyone’s proposals last class-
    what will you be creating to embody “sense of site”?
    i am thinking about doing a sound installation.
    the sound would heighten our awareness of the physical space we are in.
    i was thinking about recording with a tape recorder, digitizing it, then looping the sound.
    alvin lucier is my inspiration
    have a listen::

    feedback is encouraged.

What say you?